Departmental faculty sees patients in the UI Heart and Vascular Outpatient Clinic, as well as in multispecialty clinics such as the John and Mary Pappajohn Clinical Cancer Center at Holden Comprehensive Cancer Center.
We have a variety of services that include:
- Coronary artery bypass graft surgery
- Endovascular thoracic graphs for patients with aneurysms
- Epicardial lead placement for biventricular pacing
- Heart and lung transplant
- Maze procedure for atrial fibrillation
- Mitral valve repair and replacement
- Transmyocardial revascularization (TMR)
- Ventricular assist device (VADs), including electric VAD and bridge to transplant
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A Location Near You
The Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery has a variety of clinical locations. Browse our available locations here.

Providers to Meet Your Need
We have providers that are ready to see you. Browse our department's providers in the UIHC.ORG Find a Provider search experience.

A Variety of Services
The Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery offers you a variety of clinical services. You can learn more about what we offer here.